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The recent histories of the FTSE 100 and the FTSE All Share eloquently describe the challenges facing investors. Investing in these indices just over 16 years ago on 1st January 2000 would have…
Ben Stanton discusses life as a wealth manager.
As has been experienced in post-war Japanese society for instance, rapidly Westernising societies have an established tendency to alter their drinking patterns towards established Western brands.…
These changes mean that anyone receiving annual dividends in excess of £5,000 will be liable to this tax, which is payable via your annual tax return. The key points are as follows: The government…
Amec made the major acquisition of US peer, Foster Wheeler in 2014. This effectively doubled Amec’s global scale, mainly in downstream oil services and onshore US. The timing of this deal was…
Shell point out the highly complementary overlap of BG Group, particularly in Liquefied Natural Gas and BG’s deep water assets in Brazil.
As with all the oil services sector, Hunting shares sold off significantly on the back of weakness in the oil price.
Who was Shakespeare?
Index-linked gilts, or “Linkers”, are sold by the Debt Management Office (DMO) on behalf of the UK government and have both the coupon and the capital elements linked to inflation. I’ll use the…
This is a JM Finn & Co marketing communication which constitutes non-independent research as defined by the FCA. It has not been prepared in accordance with the legal requirements designed to promote…
Matthew Mceneaney discusses life as a wealth manager.
As so often with something that sounds simple, the proposed new rules are staggeringly complex with the proposals run to 31 pages.
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