Our insights
Sir Peter O’Sullevan CBE was the BBC’s leading horse racing commentator from 1947 to 1997.
Has the bear market finally come to an end? Shares have certainly rebounded recently, taking heart from a more buoyant mood in Asia.
This week’s two day summit on the EU-UK’s negotiations may see some leaders struggling to focus their minds.
Looking to identify the top 100 economic influencers in the region, the Suffolk 100 is returning in 2016.
J Sainsbury is a leading UK grocery chain. After a generation of growth in retail space, the UK grocery market is in excess supply and suffering a price war as ultra low cost competitors enter. J…
Prior to the last 15 years, this sector was incredibly opaque and retail banks were the only route to transacting one currency for another.
Howden is a well run cyclical company benefiting from a strong UK building market. Earnings have been growing well in excess of 10% for a number of successive quarters. 2014 was the best year for…
We also met the companies below and you can learn more on any of these by contacting the person at JM Finn & Co with whom you usually deal.
Monet’s monumental canvases of his water garden painted in the last decade of his life – the ‘Grandes Décorations’ (1914-26) – are the ultimate expression of the symbiosis between his garden and his…
The Group is highly experienced at dealing with conditions in these challenging but high growth territories.
Yorkshire Rows, an all-women rowing team, who have recently become the first women to row across the North Sea, are taking part in the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Rowing Race from La Gomera in the…
The results of the annual survey by Citywire to find the industry’s top fund pickers, were recently announced and we were delighted that two of our investment managers were featured this year.
Our CSR objective is to raise funds for two chosen charities, each of which we would look to support for a minimum of three years, in order to provide meaningful funds and to make a difference. We…
Negative like-for-like sales of some -4% for the first time since 2009 caused recent disappointment at Burberry. This was despite concerted 4% growth in the nascent brand entry level route of Beauty.…
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