Our insights
With the end of the year fast approaching and efforts increasingly being diverted into matters festive, it seems an opportune moment to reflect on the past twelve months and consider what the New …
There was a packed house for IFA Magazine’s latest Adviser Seminar, held at the London offices of JM Finn & Co.
Certain times of the year appear to enjoy particular characteristics. October has been the month of market upsets – the Great Crash of 1929, Black Monday in 1987, even this year was not without its…
The calmer conditions that were ushered in as the clocks changed have continued. The FTSE 100 Share Index has posted modest weekly gains recently and remains in a positive, if quietish, frame of…
JM Finn & Co is sponsoring the annual NSPCC Castle Howard Christmas Fair which takes place at Castle Howard, home to the Howard family in North Yorkshire, from the 6th to the 8th November.
Last month we said that we were worried that the global yield curves would flatten. We were “worried” because a flat yield curve is thought to be the harbinger of low economic growth.
It’s that time of year again – The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal is this week, and the plan is for this year’s London Poppy Day to be even bigger and better than ever...
While markets have at last calmed down a little, there is little doubt that sentiment has softened since the highs that were achieved back in the summer. While the FTSE 100 Share Index managed to…
Markets have faltered over October amidst concerns ab out the global economy. The slump in global oil prices, weaker German data and the IMF’s recent downward revisions of growth forecasts were among…
JM Finn & Co is pleased to be the principal sponsor of the eighth edition of the Art for Youth North exhibition which will return to Yorkshire this autumn.
It is remarkable what a difference a couple of weeks can make. It was not so very long ago that it looked as though our benchmark FTSE 100 Share Index had a chance to break through into new high…
The now immortal Draghi line of July 2012 was “whatever it takes” … to save the euro. The less understood undercurrent behind that comment and indeed the multitude of now forgotten but similar…
When last I shared my thoughts on markets, the Scots had enjoyed a last minute injection of good sense and committed (just) to the maintenance of the Union. Shares had been volatile ahead of the…
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