Our insights
Shares had run out of steam ahead of the Scottish referendum vote - hardly surprising given the disruption a Yes vote would have generated. Continuing uncertainty in the Middle East and Ukraine did…
Now we are in September – the start of autumn, according to the Met Office - everyone is getting back to work. Included in those stating a new job has been Dave Lewis, who took the helm at Tesco…
Previously, I have explored the notion that financing companies with debt made them more valuable to the owners because interest payments were tax deductible and so saved the company tax.
Just as the weather took a turn for the worse after a prolonged period of exceptionally summery conditions, so markets succumbed to the worsening situation in the Middle East. Shares have slid lower,…
Our own stock market has been winding down. Volumes are low and there is a definite sense that the summer holidays have arrived. Yet much is happening on the world stage that would probably have a…
The quest for wage inflation continues. Consider the virtuous cycle of consumers spending more, enabling companies to make greater profits and then both (a) investing more for productivity gains and…
Early July was not a comfortable time for UK investors. The FTSE 100 Share Index fell by close to 4% in just five days - the biggest drop in a single week since last March. It is difficult to see…
JM Finn & Co’s Senior Investment Managers David Higham and Tony Dorkins battled it out on Friday 4th of July at the 31st Annual Inter Firm Challenge for the Kemyss Betty Trophy at Sea View…
JM Finn & Co enters its fourth consecutive year of being a sponsor for the Garden of England Festival of Western Riding at the Bodiam International Arena, East Sussex...
Part of our partnership with Dogs for the Disabled involves sponsoring a dog through its training and socialisation which takes two years to complete...
Markets have entered into holiday mode early this year. Volumes are subdued and little overall progress is being achieved. In some measure this should be viewed as good news, given the level of geo…
JM Finn & Co is sponsoring the Hopkins International Polo again this year as well as the Young Players Team, taking place on Sunday 29th of June at Trinity Park, Ipswich now in its third…
JM Finn & Co helps fundraising for the RAPt (the Rehabilitation for Addicted Prisoners Trust) which is an organisation who delivers drug and alcohol services – in prisons and in the…
What we have seen recently is that governmental housing loan initiatives have pushed up house prices and taken negative equity out of the regional areas. I think that makes a huge difference to how…
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