Our insights
As we start moving our default working location from home to the office, albeit with a greater measure of flexibility, there is a shared sense of excitement across our London based staff for our new…
James Godrich explains the importance of valuation when looking to build an investment portfolio.
Is the FTSE 100 a good investment? Brian Tora explores some of its complications below.
Investment Director, London
Is the October effect just a superstition or does it carry any merit? Brian Tora provides his insight on what we can expect over the coming weeks.
Carole Annett of Country & Town House magazine offers simple, practical ideas to turn your home into a castle
Inflation affects all aspects of the economy. Read below to find out what inflation looks like at the moment and what we can potentially expect in the coming months.
In this article, fund manager James Godrich provides the insight on the current financial markets and reviews some of the recent activity in the CSI funds.
Brian Tora provides insights on the latest trends in the financial market. Find out about the two biggest concerns to investors right now.
Bond star Daniel Craig would rather give away his wealth to charity than to his daughters. Whatever your view, it is important to plan for it to ensure your wishes are fulfilled.
Brian Tora explores the effect of Afghanistan on markets, the planned Cobham takeover and the rising cost of living in his market commentary.
The threat of the Delta coronavirus variant could impact the global recovery.
James Godrich, fund manager of the JM Finn CSI funds, reviews some of the stocks in his funds.
The overwhelming view among senior scientists is that coronavirus is here to stay. Brian Tora provides his views on what we can expect in terms of a recovery in the next couple of months.
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