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Child Benefit and Personal Allowance The two common strategies to ‘adjust’ income downwards include pension contributions and gift aid payments. This adjusted net income can mean no High Income Child…
Will Bees Bespoke Starting a brand from scratch, with no outside investment was always going to be the biggest challenge. Both founders come from much bigger companies, so the immediate hands-on…
Many business angels are looking to get actively involved in the companies in which they invest. This means that they, typically, prefer local investments and investments that they understand, often…
I think the BOGOF offer is coming to an end. To understand why, we need some historical context to Tesco’s troubles. From 2007 investors took on a growing perception that their Fresh & (not so) Easy…
In today’s technology-driven world the pace of change continues to accelerate, in many cases exponentially. It is rare that a week passes without one of the tech behemoths seemingly turning their…
X But the difference today is that there is no single issue on which one can focus to try to determine what likely outcomes might arise. Rather, there are a variety of areas where sufficient…
There is a constant push and pull between the traditional auction forum and the remote digital-based transactions that have become the norm today, and auctioneers have had to adapt to find a balance…
Lucy Coutts, an investment director at JM Finn’s Leeds office, was named Female Wealth Manager of the Year at this year’s COLWMA awards.
The formula says that when inflation is higher than it should be and when GDP growth is higher than it should be, then you need higher interest rates. The trick is knowing what R* (sometimes called…
There’s a hurdle to reading the rest of this article; and here it is: This is the rule for working out what interest rates should be which was first put forward by Professor Taylor in 1993. Some of…
The news anchor was typically brash, and with some gusto was gesticulating and talking about Trade Wars and other news deemed negative to market developments. He then switched over to his ‘charts…
The problem is it’s just all too easy. To parade your credentials on anything – from politics to the environment – all you need do is touch your phone. You can like, retweet or re-post. Or you can…
The trade tariff war between the United States and China, a slowdown in the Chinese economy and the resulting effect on emerging markets, a 40% fall in the oil price, rising US interest rates, after…
Author: Simon Wong Wealth planner, JM Finn
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