Our insights
Mercury was associated with commerce and negotiating and a simplified pictorial representation of the Caduceus was a symbol widely used by alchemists until the 18th century. There are some less…
While investors in the US have been buoyed by impressive economic growth and low unemployment, other parts of the world have been less sanguine over the effects of the President’s actions. Emerging…
The rise of online shopping, combined with broader shifts in consumer values and spending habits, has exposed an overbuilt retail landscape. 2018 is shaping up to be the year of the Company Voluntary…
The RPI includes housing costs but that is not the reason why it tends to be 0.7% per annum greater than CPI. It is the method of calculation that drives the difference. For those with Maths A…
Such visible instability in Government inevitably leads to talk of general elections and suddenly we’re only one step away from the possibility of seeing the keys to 10 Downing Street in the hands of…
AB Foods (ABF) is split into five rather different divisions, Sugar, Agriculture, Retail, Grocery and Ingredients. By far the largest of these is Retail or more accurately, Primark, a budget fashion…
Maintenance capex can be considered the cost of sustaining current revenue and profits for a business. This type of outlay is equivalent to a normal operating expense; such an example would be the…
To date, Trump has slapped a 25% tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods. He also mooted a 10% levy on an additional $200 billion of imports. China retaliated with tariffs on $50 billion of…
As part of the support that we as investment managers get, our research team make it their jobs to talk to as many people as possible to try and get the inside track on the issues at heart. Over the…
With the party conference season now well underway, political issues are likely to dominate sentiment for the next few weeks.
BCKR is an organisation that encourages lawyers and their firms to have greater involvement in the outside world.
There is a “back to school” feel about the City right now. Parliament has reassembled and commuting has the added pressure of schoolchildren returning to their studies.
Sam talks playing with his brother, and his favourite partnership.
Vikram tells the story of his first 100.
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