Our insights
India is one of the most talked about investment regions right now, offering exciting prospects for investors with a medium term time horizon. Spike Hughes, CEO of Cohesion Investments, a specialist…
The Mendip Farmers Point to Point is one of the most traditional annual events held on the Mendip Hills and provides horse and pony racing in a great rural atmosphere.
One of the more crucial elements in forecasting economic growth in the past has been the price of oil. Interestingly, cheap oil is not generally viewed as beneficial. For a start, one reason for a…
Consensus opinion has now come around to support the view that the bond bull is now a bond bear. Although I think that the Bank of England is disinclined to raise rates in the face of Brexit’s…
Institutional investors can do this by spending time with management, interviewing customers and suppliers and comparing their analyses with their target’s competitors. What often blinds these…
Whilst an increase in dividends per share tends to be viewed as a positive by investors, it must be considered in proportion to earnings per share. This is an equation known as the dividend pay-out…
Not only have we seen unexpected victories for Donald Trump in the US and the Brexit campaign on our own shores, but I would also need both hands and at least a couple of toes to count the number of…
More details will follow in an explanatory letter to all clients and a follow-up article in the summer edition of Prospects. I mention this because one of the areas that the industry is struggling to…
Many of our clients will not yet be aware that we are currently fully immersed in what is probably the biggest regulatory change to the way our business operates, under the guise of MiFID II which…
Marie Curie is holding a fund raising drinks reception and private view, which JM Finn & Co are delighted to support.
With a budget just around the corner, the direction the Trump administration is likely to take still far from clear and more doubt over the Brexit negotiations as the House of Lords debates the…
‘Ceteris paribus’ is a favourite phrase amongst economists that is often laughed off as having little utility in the real world. Its meaning is ‘all other things held constant’ which we all know is a…
Wednesday 8th March will see JM Finn host it's second Investment Conference, at the Faraday Theatre at The Royal Institution.
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