Understanding Finance

Understanding Finance

Henry Birt, Research Analyst at JM Finn, gives an overview of accrual and cash accounting.

Understanding Finance

William McCubbin, Assistant Research Analyst at JM Finn, gives an overview of country risk.

Understanding Finance

Sir John Royden, Head of Research at JM Finn, gives an overview of cashflow matching.

Understanding Finance

Sir John Royden, Head of Research at JM Finn, gives an overview of Solvency II, legislation that governs the UK's insurance market.

Understanding Finance

You might well have heard your Investment Manager referencing ‘valuation multiples’ when discussing your investments.

Understanding Finance

When screening companies we often look for something called operating leverage.

Understanding Finance

Rising interest rates are causing problems for many companies, but a silver lining can be found in the dwindling defined benefit (DB) pension obligations on company balance sheets.

Understanding Finance

The slowing global macro backdrop is feeding through to the performance of a range of businesses.

Understanding Finance

The slowing global macro backdrop is feeding through to the performance of a range of businesses.

Understanding Finance

The legendary investor and ‘Sage of Omaha’, Warren Buffet, CEO/Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway wrote, in 1986, about the important concept of “owner earnings”.

Understanding Finance

A question I am frequently asked is how do we analyse stocks? How much emphasis do we place on valuation? And how much do we place on company analysis, in terms of assessing quality and growth…

Understanding Finance

A core method we, as equity analysts, use to calculate and estimate the present value of the companies we invest into on behalf of clients is the discounted cash flow model (DCF).

Understanding Finance

Return on capital metrics are closely watched by managers and investors alike.

Understanding Finance

A dual-listed company (DLC) is a company that is listed on multiple exchanges.