12 November 2020

2020 Investor Conference

JM Finn is holding a virtual conference in December, bringing together some experts to share their insights.

We would be delighted if you could join us for this virtual web conference, where we have gathered four experts to discuss themes that they think will play an important part in the world’s economic recovery.

Whilst the newspapers focus on the negatives, we have asked our guest panellists to look on the bright side and divulge some of their unique insight into what excites them from an investment standpoint.

Paul Major, BB Healthcare

As a healthcare specialist, Paul is uniquely positioned to discuss the impact of US politics on healthcare and will also discuss timing for a normalisation of the wider Covid-19 situation.

Ben Rogoff, Polar Capital

Ben has been a technology specialist for over 20 years so is well placed to illustrate some of the changes taking place in the sector today.

Natalie Berg, NBK Retail

Those who attended our conference at the Oval will remember Natalie, who is a leading expert on retail. She expects an acceleration of many pre-pandemic trends and will describe what she thinks is the new normal for our high street.

Tom Slater, Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust plc

Firmly believing that we live in a time of great progress, Tom talks passionately about the innovation taking place in the transport and auto sector and is backing the once fanciful idea of flying cars!

How to join the webinar

We are using Cisco WebEx software for this event and to attend, you will either have to download the software to your device when prompted, or if your browser is more recent, you will be able to join via your web browser, simply by clicking on the link. As a firm, this tool is our preferred web conference software. The download process is a one-click action and once downloaded, joining the event is very simple: just click on the link sent to you by WebEx prior to the event.

 To register please click here

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