17 June 2022

Charity partnerships

We encourage our staff to engage in their communities and actively seek to support organisations in our local community.

We recognise that choosing to give a charitable donation of any size to any cause is a very personal decision and we respect that at JM Finn, however, we also believe that a firm of our size, reputation and standing should pool its resources to help where it can.

Our charitable objective is to raise funds for three chosen charities per annum and in order to provide meaningful funds and to make a difference, we typically look to support each of our chosen charities for a three year period.

We look to raise funds via a variety of efforts organised by our CSR committee, including quiz nights and cake sales. The largest source of annual funds comes from the silent auction and raffle held at the staff Christmas party each year.  All funds raised across these events are split 3-ways between the chosen charities.

Following a poll across our staff, we have recently engaged with two new charities: the Brain Tumour Charity and YoungMinds, alongside our existing partnership with RDA. We look forward to supporting all three in their endeavours to enhance the lives of others and have some fun in raising much needed funds.

The Brain Tumour Charity

The Brain Tumour Charity is the UK’s largest dedicated brain tumour charity, committed to fighting brain tumours on all fronts.

They fund pioneering research to increase survival and improve treatment options and raise awareness of the symptoms and effects of brain tumours to get earlier diagnosis and to help families cope with everything that the diagnosis of a brain tumour brings. They also provide support for everyone affected so that they can live as full a life as possible, with the best quality of life.

  • Brain tumours are the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40.
  • Over 88,000 children and adults are estimated to be living with a brain tumour in the UK currently and most are coping with a reduced quality of life.
  • Over 5,000 of whom lose this battle each year.

The Charity funds and promotes the UK-wide HeadSmart campaign, raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of brain tumours in children and young people to make earlier diagnosis a reality. Earlier diagnosis will reduce long term disabilities and save lives. 

In just three years, HeadSmart has reduced average diagnosis time from 9.1 weeks to 6.5 weeks.



YoungMinds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health.

They want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.

  • 1 in 6 children aged five to 16 were identified as having a probable mental health problem in July 2020.
  • Less than 1 in 3 young people with a mental health condition get access to NHS care and treatment.
  • 80% of young people with mental health needs agree that the Covid-19 pandemic has made their mental health worse.

Every young person whose mental health ends up in crisis is a young person who has been failed. YoungMinds know that the earlier young people can access the right help, the more likely it is that they can avoid these crises. The charity want to see a world where every young person who is struggling feels able to reach out, and has people and services around them who can really help.



At Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA), their horses benefit the lives of over 25,000 disabled children and adults. 

With fun activities like riding and carriage driving, they provide therapy, fitness, skills development and opportunities for achievement – all supported by 18,000 amazing volunteers and qualified coaches at nearly 500 RDA centres all over the UK.

  • Supporting 25,000 disabled children and adults across the UK
  • Aiming to increase this number by an extra 10,000 by 2025

RDA is an inclusive and diverse organisation, welcoming clients with physical and learning disabilities and autism, and there are no age restrictions. Through a network of member groups, RDA is at work in every corner of the UK, in cities and remote rural areas, bringing the therapy, achievement and fun of horses to as many people as we can.

RDA is the only major UK charity whose focus is squarely on the therapeutic and health benefits of bringing people and horses together. Activities are recommended by Physiotherapists and Occupational Therapists, and the majority of participants are referred to RDA by a medical professional. Regular riding improves core strength, balance and coordination and the welcoming groups help to combat isolation and loneliness and boost wellbeing and happiness.


To learn more about the work these charities do or to donate or organise a fundraising event, please visit their websites or send an email to us at marketing@jmfinn.com.

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