17 March 2023

An evening with Brian Moore and Wayne Barnes

JM Finn hosted an evening with former England rugby player Brian Moore and international referee Wayne Barnes, where they provided insight into how their experiences can be translated to success in business.

Ahead of the finale of the 2023 Six Nations championships, Brian Moore and Wayne Barnes, two stalwarts of English rugby recently visited the JM Finn offices to share their insights into the synergies between elite performance and business success.

Brian Moore, a former international rugby hooker, gave first-hand experience of what it takes to perform at the highest level of elite sport whilst entertaining the audience with amusing anecdotes. He spoke about the importance of mental toughness and teamwork in achieving success on the rugby pitch. These are all qualities that are equally important in the world of business where individuals and teams need to be able to adapt, innovate and work together to achieve their goals.

Wayne Barnes an international referee and barrister gave his insights into the importance of impartiality, decision-making, and communication in a high-pressure environment. All skills which are also valuable in any profession, whilst sharing how he copes with the pressure of 80,000 fans watching your every move, resetting when you might have made a mistake as well as some entertaining stories from his 100+ games as a world class referee.

Guests enjoyed being able to gain valuable insight into what it takes to achieve elite performance on the field with some takeaways on how this can be transferred to business success.

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