On 23rd May, JM Finn hosted its inaugural Winchester conference at the Wessex Centre in the beautiful grounds of Winchester Cathedral. We were pleased to welcome a diverse range of attendees, including JM Finn clients and local businesspeople. The day included four highly engaging presentations from JM Finn experts, as well as external speakers:

  • Clare Julian, Wealth Planner at JM Finn, gave an overview of the many benefits of using a specialist financial planning service; she also discussed the recent changes to the regulatory and tax landscape for pensions that were announced in the Spring Budget 2023.
  • James Godrich is Fund Manager of the Coleman Street Investment funds, our unitised investment solution – which is designed to complement our core bespoke offering, for those clients with smaller portfolios. James questioned the way investment risk is conventionally measured, and presented a compelling case for prioritising economic performance above price volatility for long-term risk valuation.
  • Sam Anthony, Analyst within the Sustainable Equity team at asset manager Ninety One, told us how his team invest to benefit from our move to a lower carbon future, and work to capture the opportunities that present themselves along the decarbonisation journey.
  • Harry Pickering, Head Winemaker at The Grange brought us up to speed with their story, the wine making process and the UK’s rapidly growing wine making industry. Those attending were also able to sample The Grange’s sparkling wine during lunch afterwards.

JM Finn plan to run the conference again next year, in the meantime we will be running many other events – please speak to your Investment Manager if you are interested in finding out more details.

Understanding Finance

Helping clients understand what we do is key to building relationships. To explain some of the industry jargon that creeps into our world, we’ve pulled together a section of our site to help.

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