Founded in 1768 by George III, The Royal Academy’s aim was to provide a publicly accessible venue for exhibitions and to establish a school of art through which their skills and knowledge could be passed to future generations of artists.
Today the Academy continues to aspire, in the words of its eighteenth-century founders, ‘to promote the arts of design’, that is: to present a broad range of visual art to the widest possible audience; to stimulate debate, understanding and creation through learning; and to provide a focus for the interests of artists and art-lovers.
As JM Finn & Co has grown, so the business has though t hard about what it might do to thank our clients, whilst at the same time putting something back into the community. We have elected so far to follow some strands which we believe help to demonstrate what we stand for and will resonate with our clients – culture and charities.
JM Finn & Co’s involvement with the Royal Academy of Arts, which has been a launching pad for new artists for more than two centuries, is a natural extension to previous initiatives and is a way of both ensuring that a venerable arts institution receives much needed financial support, while at the same time allowing JM Finn & Co and our clients an excellent opportunity to see some fine art in pleasant conditions.
For more information, please see:
1 February 2012
JM Finn & Co joins forces with the Royal Academy
JM Finn & Co is delighted to announce it has become a Premier Corporate Member of the Royal Academy...

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