STEP is the worldwide professional association for practitioners dealing with family inheritance and succession planning. The Society helps to improve public understanding of the issues families face in this area and promotes education and high professional standards among its members.
STEP Thames Valley branch covers a wide area and has in excess of 200 full and student members. The membership covers lawyers, accountants and financial advisers practising in the Thames Valley Region including towns such as Reading, Oxford, Basingstoke and Newbury.
The annual conference is held at Phyllis Court in Henley when a full day of training is provided to members as well as a range of independent speakers on a variety of topics.
29 November 2013
JM Finn & Co presents at STEP conference
Andrew Wimble, Business Development Manager for JM Finn & Co, presented at the annual conference of the Thames Valley Branch of STEP (Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners)...

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