For the last 12 months Live Music Now and Ryedale Carers have been working together to deliver an innovative project to reduce the sense of lone liness and isolation in older people living in Ryedale. The Songs & Scones programme provides over 70 older people each month with an informal performance by Chloe Saywell and Stephenie Leung followed by socialising over tea and cake.
Although a simple idea, this project is changing lives.
‘’I don’t get out very often. At Songs and Scones I see old friends and chat with new people. It’s better than any medicine!’’ said a participant
Ryedale Carers is a local voluntary organisation and registered charity that provides practical and emotional help for carers, the people they care for and older people living on their own. The service is provided by volunteers who can visit weekly, fortnightly or monthly for a couple of hours or so.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please find more on
30 May 2014
JM Finn & Co supports Songs & Scones fundraising concert
JM Finn & Co is sponsoring the joint efforts of Live Music Now and Ryedale Carers who are organising a Charity Concert taking place on Friday 30th of May at St. Peter’s Church House, Norton...

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