"It’s obviously frustrating at the moment, especially not knowing when it will all end. The main thing I’ve been trying to do is set and maintain some sort of routine. As a household, we’ve planned a week ahead; including who’s cooking what when, what training I need to do on which days and even some more fun plans such as board games or quiz nights. So much of my on-field routines are coming in useful, like focusing on what I can control, and almost ignoring what I cannot. Another big one for me is maintaining good mental health. It’s easy at a time like this to feel really stressed and overwhelmed. I’ve started restricting the amount of news I read or watch and I’ve started a couple of online courses to keep my brain active and ticked off some of the DIY ‘to do list.’ Another important thing is to reach out and communicate; I’m trying to speak to my friends and family who are more isolated at least once a week.
"One of the hardest things to deal with so far has been actually feeling guilty for enjoying many parts of isolation. I appreciate I’m in a lucky position living with some of my friends and family, along with having everything I currently need available to me, has made some of this lockdown lifestyle much easier for me than others. I think acknowledging this, allowing myself to enjoy what I can, while appreciating others may be having it tougher and hoping to lend a hand in the future, through volunteering, will hopefully continue to get me through this time."
Tammy Beaumont is a brand ambassador for JM Finn.
For a more in-depth version of this interview, please visit www.jmfinn.com/our-thinking.