The Trust’s aim is to help save lives through the provision of appropriate standardised and uniform medical equipment, known as Sandpiper Bags, for use by specially trained GPs, community nurses, paramedics and A&E Consultants, all of whom operate on a voluntary basis.
The Trust has brought together many of those working in the field of Immediate Care. Working with BASICS (The British Association of Immediate Care, Scotland), the Trust’s medical advisers, the contents of the Sandpiper Bag were compiled based on the latest medical advances. The Sandpiper Bag has received international acclaim, while BASICS have designed and introduced a training programme that lifts standards in immediate care to a new level of excellence.
The charity was set up in 2000 in memory of Sandy Dickson who tragically passed away aged 14. In Sandy’s memory, his sister Jess is running the London Marathon to raise funds for the Sandpiper Trust. JM Finn & Co are supporting the trust and a fund raising event for Jess’s marathon efforts will be held on 6th April at the JM Finn & Co offices in London.
To find out more about the Sandpiper Trust or to donate, please visit their website.
29 March 2016
The Sandpiper Trust
The Sandpiper Trust is a Scottish based charity, which was set up to promote and support initiatives that provide immediate care in Scotland.

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