UW offers energy, broadband, mobile and insurance services. UW provides a simple platform on which consumers can track nearly all of their utilities. To offer this, they partner with utility providers and white label their service.
UW is distributed through word of mouth and has a referrals program instead of a large sales and marketing team. They have found this to be the best way to get users to commit to the arduous transition away from their existing providers and they consider this network to be a competitive advantage.
UW argues that by operating in four markets, compared to their competitors operating in one or two, they gain a structural cost advantage by spreading the cost over multiple services. Before the war in Ukraine sparked the spike in energy prices, UW had struggled with irrational pricing from new entrants in the energy markets. Now though, following the exit of many suppliers in 2022, this problem has faded. We wait to see if UW’s customer numbers benefit.