Multi-Asset Portfolios

An investment solution that reduces tax complexities

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Coleman Street Investments

Our multi-asset portfolios are three funds within a fund family called Coleman Street Investments (CSI). Investing via a fund, as opposed to an individually tailored portfolio, allows for diversification across a broad range of asset classes which can help reduce volatility, even for smaller portfolios. A pooled approach can also be a cost effective means of ensuring your investments are managed by a professional investor, and what makes JM Finn’s CSI funds different are  their holdings in direct stocks, as well as collective funds.

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Key features
  • Three distinct investment objectives
  • Managed to a medium risk profile
  • Long term investment horizon
  • Bottom-up stock picking approach 
  • Exposure to a broad range of asset classes
  • Eligible for ISAs
  • Direct investing helps keep costs down
  • Risk mapped to Dynamic Planner and eValue
More information

With three portfolios you can choose to invest your client’s assets for Growth, Income or Income & Growth.

As an investor in CSI, your clients will be invested in one of the above funds, which are Luxembourg based SICAVs (a collective investment scheme similar to a unit trust), which is recognised by the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and has HMRC reporting status.

The funds are managed via a consistent and disciplined approach. By drawing upon the wider, long-established investment expertise, the funds are focused on delivering superior, risk-adjusted returns over the long term.

Using a dynamic approach to asset allocation, inspiration for investment ideas is drawn from the core stock list, which is monitored by the in-house research team. The funds, unrestricted by sector and market capitalisation, will typically invest via direct equities for UK exposure and use third party funds, for overseas and specialist sector exposure.